Weekly github digest (GitHub Activity Summary)

Events without label "editorial"

* w3c/activitypub (+0/-0/💬7)
  3 issues received 7 new comments:
  - #495 Loosen restrictions on `bto` and `bcc` to allow including them on POST to the inbox of the recipient (1 by ThisIsMissEm)
    https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/495 [Next version] 
  - #494 Section 5.1 "Outbox" describes returning "objects" or "posts" instead of "activities" (2 by silverpill)
    https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/494 [Needs Group Input/Decision] 
  - #343 Follow on a non-Actor object (4 by evanp, silverpill)
    https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/343 [Waiting for Commenter] [Needs FEP] 

* w3c/activitystreams (+1/-0/💬9)
  1 issues created:
  - Disjointedness of ActivityStreams types (by silverpill)

  2 issues received 9 new comments:
  - #641 Disjointness of ActivityStreams types (1 by nightpool)
  - #633 Is Actor a core type? (8 by nightpool, silverpill, trwnh)
    https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/issues/633 [Needs primer page] [Next version] 

Pull requests
* w3c/activitypub (+1/-0/💬0)
  1 pull requests submitted:
  - Fix incorrect URLs in links (by per1234)

* w3c/activitystreams (+1/-0/💬0)
  1 pull requests submitted:
  - Fix links to extensions page (by silverbucket)

Repositories tracked by this digest:
* https://github.com/w3c/activitypub
* https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams
* https://github.com/swicg/general
* https://github.com/swicg/meetings
* https://github.com/swicg/processes
* https://github.com/swicg/potential-charters
* https://github.com/swicg/www
* https://github.com/swicg/.github
* https://github.com/swicg/ap-test-suite-taskforce
* https://github.com/swicg/activitystreams2-owl
* https://github.com/swicg/extensions-policy
* https://github.com/swicg/activitypub-webfinger
* https://github.com/swicg/activitypub-http-signature
* https://github.com/swicg/activitypub-data-portability
* https://github.com/swicg/miscellany
* https://github.com/swicg/forums
* https://github.com/swicg/activitypub-e2ee
* https://github.com/swicg/activitypub-html-discovery
* https://github.com/swicg/activitypub-trust-and-safety
* https://github.com/swicg/activitypub-website-taskforce
* https://github.com/swicg/activitypub.rocks
* https://github.com/swicg/geosocial
* https://github.com/swicg/groups

SWICG W3C Mailing List -- https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swicg/

Received on Sunday, 2 March 2025 07:35:41 UTC