Re: November CG call - postponed one week (now Nov 8)

Hey Evan, Dmitri,

I'd probably recommend that the geosocial work should actually likely be the subject of a special topic call, since the subject matter is quite in-depth, and based on the turnout last call for geosocial matters, I feel like this would get quite involved and into the details on things.

My impression was that it wasn't just a quick update but more of a joint session?

— Emelia

> On 31 Oct 2024, at 21:16, Evan Prodromou <> wrote:
> Hey, Dmitri. Last month we had geosocial work on the agenda and we never got to it.
> Could we include it this time around, and do it early?
> Evan
> On Oct 31, 2024 15:12, Dmitri Zagidulin <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Apologies for short notice, but I'd like to postpone the monthly SocialWeb CG community call for one week, to be now on November 8, 2024, instead.
> Partly for high holiday reasons :) but mostly to give the group more time to engage with the potential charter documents and PRs over in
> Specifically, during the November call, we'd like to discuss:
> 1. Adopting a CG Charter (current proposed version: )
> 2. Adopting an Incubation / Staging process (currently at )
> 3. Discuss Working Group charter options
>    - option 1: Focused AP+AS2 1.1 WG (current proposed charter at )
>    - option 2: Wider SocialWeb WG, which includes AP+AS2, but also all the other specs produced by the original WG.
> So, everybody has an extra week to read the proposals, make PRs, open issues, and discuss here on the list!
> 3. 

Received on Thursday, 31 October 2024 23:19:38 UTC