SocialWeb CG Community Meeting 2024-03-01

Hi all,
Our next general SWICG meeting will be this coming Fri, Mar 1st, 2024.

SocialCG Calendar:

The call will be held at 1pm ET / 10am PT / 7pm CET, at:

Rough Agenda:

1. Introductions (optional) and community announcements
2. IP Protection Note Reminder:
  a. Anyone can participate in these calls. However, all substantive
contributors to any CG Work Items must be members of the CG with full IPR
agreements signed.
  b. To contribute to Work Items: ensure you have a W3 account:, and sign the W3C Community Contributor
License Agreement (CLA):
3. Main Agenda Items:
  a. SocialCG moving to monthly group calls (1st Fri of the month), plus
various Task Force calls.
  b. ActivityPub and ActivityStreams2 weekly Issue Triage calls starting up
officially as part of SocialWeb CG.
  c. ActivityPub Specification (Editors Draft) and ActivityStreams2
specification (Editors Draft) Github repositories are moving to the SWICG
org namespace.
  d. Updates from the Task Forces
  e. Updates from Report editors
  f. Spam on the Social Web (Fediverse etc).
4. (if time) Specs issue processing

Received on Wednesday, 28 February 2024 01:04:48 UTC