W3C Community Survey 2024

Hello everyone,

The W3C has asked us to pass on the following message.


For the first time, W3C is conducting a community-wide survey. We want to get to know our community better, investigate needs, and understand our community’s vision of how we fulfill our mission for the world-wide web.

This survey is being run through Typeform, an online survey platform that supports all major operating systems, is accessible, and has been tested to confirm compatibility with assistive technologies.

This survey is open to W3C Members and people who participate in W3C group activities, and anyone involved in the Web. It is anonymous and takes 6 minutes or more to complete.

The survey closes on Friday 13 September 2024. We look forward to hearing from you.

English: https://gzobeteisdd.typeform.com/to/TeoUTslq
French: https://gzobeteisdd.typeform.com/to/Tyj602HT
Japanese: https://gzobeteisdd.typeform.com/to/zGk33stT
Chinese: https://gzobeteisdd.typeform.com/to/S0KxM3CK


The Chairs

Received on Thursday, 8 August 2024 12:08:12 UTC