Re: FAQs and Meeting Chat for Social CG Meeting [via Social Web Incubator Community Group]


the two wickedest problems we currently face are
1.) who defines (and thus gatekeeps) the status of "implementer" of a 
given set of specs,
2.) which implementations are 
"significiant"/production-grade/widely-used, which end-user metrics 
matter, etc

if both of those questions were trivial to define and agree on, we might 
only have complex problems which could be swiftly dispatched by a panel 
of experienced implementers, but instead we have wicked problems without 
consensual definitions.


On 9/23/2023 2:41 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> "A WG will invite experienced implementers as Experts to participate 
> in the group"
> Who decides what an "experienced implementer" is, and on what criteria?

Received on Monday, 25 September 2023 09:34:00 UTC