Counter Proposal: a joint FEP and W3C effort

There was some talk in the last call about a W3C charter, and also the FEP

My suggestion would be to improve and mature the FEP process so that it
leads development as a living standard.

1 A FEP that has only one implementation should be marked as a experimental
2 The FEPs implemented by a server should be advertised by that server
3 The process is such that anyone can participate, the whole fediverse, and
also the w3c cg
4 Three new FEPs to create living standards for AP, As and the AS context
5 Stable versions of living standards are brought back to the w3c for
publication with version number
6 Other non fediverse or bridged projects can create charters for work they
want to standardize, under the social web umbrella

This might be a way to give everyone what they want, and allow diverse
participation in the evolution of the fediverse and social standards.

Received on Saturday, 23 September 2023 13:24:40 UTC