Re: My input for tomorrow

pá 22. 9. 2023 v 9:56 odesílatel Jon Pincus <>

> My input: it would be a huge mistake to charter a WG, define its scope, or
> even start a task force before getting a broader range of perspectives *and
> *finding a way to ensure diverse participation.
> If you want to create decentralized social networks that are good for
> Black and Indigenous people, women of color, trans and non-binary people,
> and others who are marginalized and exploited by today's centralized and
> commercial social networks ... you need to involve them in the discussion.
> That isn't currently happening.  I've followed this list for several months
> and I rarely hear perspectives from women, Black or Indigenous people, or
> trans and non-binary people.  I don't think I've *ever *heard a
> perspective from a woman of color or trans person of color.
> That's a problem that needs to be addressed before moving forward.

In my view, the optimal approach is wrapping AS and AP in an FEP or a
comparable open-source process, evolving it as a living standard with
everyone's participation, including CG members. Stable versions can then be
presented to W3C for publication. However, this necessitates dedicated
individuals to champion and drive the effort.

> a) 6am pacific is really early. I’m going to skip it. Is there a reason it
> has to be that early? If it’s about Central European time, a one-hour
> meeting would be done by 16:00 which seems generous in comparison, even on
> a Friday afternoon.
> b) Charter a WG. Yes please.
> c) Scope of WG: as focused as possible.
> d) Before starting task forces, I’d like to see half a dozen people raise
> their hands committing to doing some sustained work with impact on the
> proposed topic, preferably involving a majority of members who can get
> relevant code committed into their projects. If such people exist, by all
> means, start the task force. Otherwise, define what such a task force would
> do and then go recruit. Then go back to step number 1.
> Best,
> Johannes.
> P.S. Thanks for everybody who came to FediForum yesterday and today. It
> was great!! (I’m biased, obviously) A bunch of sessions relevant to the
> work here. We will publish session notes as soon as we can on
> Johannes Ernst
> Fediforum <>
> Dazzle <>

Received on Friday, 22 September 2023 23:31:33 UTC