My input for tomorrow

a) 6am pacific is really early. I’m going to skip it. Is there a reason it has to be that early? If it’s about Central European time, a one-hour meeting would be done by 16:00 which seems generous in comparison, even on a Friday afternoon.

b) Charter a WG. Yes please.

c) Scope of WG: as focused as possible.

d) Before starting task forces, I’d like to see half a dozen people raise their hands committing to doing some sustained work with impact on the proposed topic, preferably involving a majority of members who can get relevant code committed into their projects. If such people exist, by all means, start the task force. Otherwise, define what such a task force would do and then go recruit. Then go back to step number 1.



P.S. Thanks for everybody who came to FediForum yesterday and today. It was great!! (I’m biased, obviously) A bunch of sessions relevant to the work here. We will publish session notes as soon as we can on <>

Johannes Ernst

Fediforum <>
Dazzle <>

Received on Friday, 22 September 2023 03:42:20 UTC