AP/AS2 Issue Triage livestream

So, a couple of updates.

First, I’m increasing the frequency of the issue triage from bi-weekly to weekly, at least through the summer.

I got through 6 issues in the AS2 backlog last week, and there are 60 more, and about the same for AP, so I estimate it’s going to take about 20 sessions to get caught up on both repos.

Second, I didn’t get the time to set up an Owncloud server, so I’m going to go with Jitsi again.


I’ve attached the invitation .ICS file.

Also, and finally: this is a working livestream of me performing an important task. It’s not really an open multi-way discussion. I think that’s a good thing to do at a regular monthly meeting.


Received on Monday, 1 May 2023 16:17:43 UTC