Protege-OWL Short Course, March 24-26, 2010, Stanford University

(apologies for crossposting)

The Protege Team is pleased to announce that we will be holding a
Protege-OWL Short Course at Stanford University from March 24th-26th,
2010. The course provides an introduction to ontology development in
OWL, both from a theoretical standpoint and from a practical
standpoint through hands-on use of the Protege platform. The course
also emphasizes how to use OWL ontologies, and other semantic
technologies like SWRL, to build semantic applications with examples
from real-world use cases. More details about course content [1], as
well as a complete course schedule [2] are available online.

The course is especially geared toward beginner and intermediate users
of Protege-OWL, but everyone is welcome to register. Online
registration is available on the course website [3].

The course will be taught by members of the Protege staff [4] and
enrollment is limited to ensure optimal learning experiences. We are
currently offering a 10% discount for groups of five or more people
from the same organization. Please contact the course organizers if
you have additional questions about the short course:

protege-shortcourse at

Best Regards,
The Protege Team



Received on Tuesday, 17 November 2009 23:54:03 UTC