Re: What mailing lists do you subscribe to?

Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
> On Thursday 10 July 2008 10:14:56 Danny Ayers wrote:
>> I want to compile a list of mailing lists that may be of interest to semweb
>> developers - from the core w3c ones out to way more obscure.
>> Links to home and/or subscribe pages please, a sentence of description
>> appreciated.
> I maintain a list for RDF in Perl. Its DNS has been broken for ages, but the 
> URL should be
> Now I see there is actually a DNS entry for it, so I guess I need to get a 
> fish to slap someone with. ;-)
> Other than that, I'm on the usual ones.

I think the point is, ... we may all have different notions of "the 
usual ones". I just discovered btw. I'm also not sure 
if I ever managed to subscribe to the LOD list(s) (though I'm sure I tried).

[time passes]

Aha, [[
The list is hosted by W3C and you can subscribe it at

The project's mailing list was hosted by the MIT SIMILE project until 
Spring 2008; MIT also maintains an archive of the list until that point.
]] in

...explains something of that issue. I guess I had trouble with the MIT 
list for some reason. I'll join.

And then there's the yahoogroup. Is that usual? Not sure I'm on it. Ah seems not. I just 
joined. It all seems to be spam in the archives (which you can't see in 
public view).

Ah, but then there is (note 
the missing hyphen). Seems I wasn't on that either. Lots of CFPs. Lots 
and lots, oof. I just joined.

And how about Google Groups? ah ok, a new punctuation variant, I find:  ... I see Danny's posting 
there. And it's apparently owned by ...

I've just joined.

And there is also (1 post only).

And which says [[
You cannot view the group's content or participate in the group because 
you are not currently a member.  Members must be approved before joining.

You must be a member of this group to read its archive.

I just applied to join.

And then there's RSS and Atom and Syndication. And of course everyone 
who cares about the public and social Semantic Web is on the FOAF list 
(successor to rdf-dev). (do please join if not! :)

And 'of course' we keep an eye on XML-DEV too, still? Anyone remember 
RDF-DEV (I fear the archives may be lost; investigating). Or sw99? And 
wasn't there any interesting list for skeptics around once, where RDF 
trust labels got discussed?

I've been joining new mailing lists several times a month since 1992.

I've been intimately involved in the RDF/SW project since 1997.

(and I accumulated 25k email inbox in < 2 weeks vacation!)

And yet I find from this brief investigation that there are several 
SW/RDF lists I managed to not join (unintentionally).

The obvious really isn't obvious here I think! I'd be very interested to 
know which lists people consider 'the main ones'. For me, it's roughly: 
anything at W3C, especially under the SW Interest Group banner. Plus 
FOAF plus SIOC plus DOAP plus RSS plus Dublin Core ...

And then there's Atom, Microformats, Google SGAPI, Laconica, ... 
Definitely too much to track. So big thanks to Dave for 
and to Danny for TSWTW :)



Received on Friday, 11 July 2008 20:16:04 UTC