Re: Business Presentation

Lee Feigenbaum wrote:
> I've gone over the business presentation with some colleagues and have 
> some more general suggestions. I haven't crafted any text yet myself: 
> I'm curious to hear whether people agree or not, though I know we're a 
> bit crunched or time. I wasn't comfortable taking Jeff's hard work and 
> imposing my views on it :)
> Here are some things we discussed:
> * Could we emphasize future-proofing more? It's a strategic benefit 
> and the low risk section starts to talk about it a bit, but I think we 
> could emphasize a bit more the constancy of change and how semantics 
> prepares an enterprise for adapting to change.
> * Should we address the performance question? The type of early 
> adopters and technology enthusiasts that will be excited by this 
> presentation will quickly ask about performance. Should this 
> presentation address that concern? (Perhaps via general talk of the 
> natural overhead of semantics being addressed by modern hardware 
> compute power and scalability? I'm not sure.
> * Should we emphasize more that semantics applies to existing (legacy) 
> data? The idea of adopting RDF as a standard for virtually 
> representing information as it comes out of existing data systems? 
> This is to explicitly remove the perception that adopting SW 
> technologies requires throwing away existing IT investments.
> * Perhaps "IT maintenance" is an area that could be included in 
> spending categories that are positively impacted by SemWeb technologeis?
> * Are the occurrences of "DCP" supposed to be "DCF"?
> * Should "policy compliance" (of which one example is regulatory 
> compliance) be included as a strategic fit for semantic technologies? 
> (Is it considered covered by enterprise governance?)

Since the document is in community authorship mode, I suggest you inject 
these points into the doc as best you can. Investment preservation and 
future proofing are hot buttons for all IT decision makers.

> Lee



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Received on Tuesday, 29 January 2008 21:22:02 UTC