Re: HTTP URIs for real world objects

To me, the cleanest approach of reusing the huge set of consensual 
identifiers for non-information resources that Wikipedia URIs are would be
to import them into a clean new namespace and link back from those to 
the original Wikipedia URIs via rdfs:seeAlso.

KANZAKI Masahide wrote:
> agreed that terminology is confusing and causes many troubles ;-)
> Per spec, an information resource that "provides some kind of
> compelling and unambiguous indication of the identity of a subject to
> humans" is a 'subject indicator', which is 'a proxy for the thing' in
> your term if I understand you correctly.
> Also per spec, "The address of a subject indicator is called a subject
> identifier", i.e., if an wikipedia page is a PSI (indicator), its URI
> is a PSId (identifier). PSI is a resource, not a URI.
> *
> btw, I've mis-understood the requirement I mentioned before: spec
> requires that PSI must "explicitly state the unique URI" (not
> explicitly state "that URI is to be used as its PSId", which I've
> thought). Hence, an wikipedia page could be a PSI.
> cheers,

Received on Thursday, 17 January 2008 16:31:37 UTC