Semantic Web logos and technology buttons launch

Dear SWEO IG and W3C Comm Teams,

It is my pleasure to announce that W3C is launching today the Semantic 
Web logos and technology buttons. They are described and available for 
download in the "W3C Semantic Web Logos and Icons Policy and Usage" 
page, at:

They are now live on W3C's Web site as well:

Thanks to all!!

- Marie-Claire.

PS: Please note that the eps files will be added in a near future.

Marie-Claire Forgue                         +33 4 92 38 75 94
Head of W3C European Communications and
Business Development                        +33 4 92 38 78 22 (fax)  -    +33 6 76 86 33 41 (mob)

Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2007 13:29:51 UTC