Re: Preliminary Agenda for the SWEO F2F - You are invited to the German outpost

It was Susie Stephens who said at the right time 08.10.2007 16:13 the 
following words:
> Hi Leo,
> The first room has a phone that is designed for conference calls.
> The second room has video conferencing too.
> We can't hold two rooms for long, so I'll let the first one go, and 
> hope that we can getting the video conferencing working on the day of 
> the F2F.
yep, if we can have "conference phone" and video-conferencing, would be 
I hate telcos where we all sit in front of a black, unanimated box.
in the age of youtube, we need cute little talking pictures!

btw: we are going to schedule our dinner when you have lunchbreak :-)

bengee: are you coming?
I wouldn't enjoy it sitting alone there  :-)


> Cheers,
> Susie
> On 10/8/07, *Leo Sauermann* < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     our tech administrator was not able to tell me if the two systems
>     can talk together,
>     he said we have to try it out in practice :-/
>     So, my view on your status is (please correct me):
>     you already booked a room, but that had no conferencing means at all.
>     Then you wanted to book another room that has conferencing, but no
>     video.
>     Is it now possible to get video on your side? (preferably a
>     polycom :-)
>     Anyway, we can test if it works next week, when I am back in
>     Kaiserslautern.
>     best
>     Leo
>     It was Susie M Stephens who said at the right time 07.10.2007
>     22:38 the following words:
>>     Hi Leo,
>>     The F2F starts at 9am ET, which would be 3pm CET.
>>     I'll get in a little early, so that we can get the video conferencing
>>     working.
>>     Cheers,
>>     Susie
>>                  Leo Sauermann                                                 
>>                  <leo.sauermann@df                                             
>>        > <>                                                     To 
>>                                            Susie M Stephens                    
>>                  10/07/2007 04:06          <STEPHENS_SUSIE_M@LILLY.COM> <mailto:STEPHENS_SUSIE_M@LILLY.COM>        
>>                  PM                                                         cc 
>>                                   <>               
>>                                                                        Subject 
>>                                            Re: Preliminary Agenda for the SWEO 
>>                                            F2F - You are invited to the        
>>                                            German  outpost                     
>>     Hi,
>>     in my personal information model, polycom was always annotated as "ah,
>>     videoconferencing" ;-)
>>     I sent the specs you sent me to our tech people, to check if the systems
>>     can talk.
>>     We meet at 14:00 at DFKI to get the coffee done, talk a little, and test
>>     the video-connection,
>>     usually these things take some time to setup.
>>     So as it seems, the meeting will get running at 15:30 german time.
>>     best
>>     Leo
>>     It was Susie M Stephens who said at the right time 07.10.2007 21:02 the
>>     following words:
>>>     Hi Leo,
>>>     I have good news. It looks like we've been able to secure a video
>>>     conference room at MIT for the SWEO F2F.
>>>     Lets talk about this more during the call on Wednesday.
>>>     Cheers,
>>>     Susie
>>>                  Leo Sauermann
>>>                  <leo.sauermann@df
>>>         <>>
>>     To
>>>                  Sent by:         <>
>>>                  public-sweo-ig-re
>>     cc
>>>         <>              
>>> <>
>>     Subject
>>>                                            Re: Preliminary Agenda for the
>>     SWEO
>>>                  10/05/2007 01:01          F2F - You are invited to the
>>>                  PM                        German outpost
>>>     SWEOs,
>>>     I booked the room with the polycom at DFKI for the 24th of October,
>>>     from 14:00 to 00:00 german time. Based on the time shift of 6 hours we
>>>     usually have in the telcos, thats 08:00 to 18:00 Chicago time.
>>>     I would like to test the Polycom connection beforehand, at 08:00 chicago
>>>     time on the same day,
>>>     or a day or two before.
>>>     Susie - is this somehow possible to make a test run before?
>>>     Anybody in the greater vincinity of Kaiserslautern (Frankfurt, Mannheim,
>>>     Paris are within 3 hours) is invited to join us there for coffee and
>>>     cookies.
>>>     When the people in chicago go for lunch, we will have dinner.
>>>     Dunja, Tassilo, anyone interested please send us a short note and we
>>     would
>>>     then keep a list of participants of this part of the meeting.
>>>     If the polycom works well, we have a pretty good interaction with
>>     chicago,
>>>     a full-blown polycom can have multiple camreas, transferring laptop
>>>     presentations, microphones, etc (ours is way limited I think, but I have
>>     to
>>>     check)
>>>     best
>>>     Leo
>>>     It was Benjamin Nowack who said at the right time 27.09.2007 19:25 the
>>>     following words:
>>>           On 27.09.2007 18:05:42, Leo Sauermann wrote:
>>>                 Benjamin - if you don't have a polycom and want to see the
>>>                 other people,
>>>                 maybe you want to come to kaiserslautern and join me?
>>>           hey, cool, sounds great, thank you. I might have to leave a bit
>>>           earlier
>>>           for the way back home, but let me check trains first. That'd be a
>>>           decentralized F2F then, how trendy ;)
>>>           Benji
>>>     --
>>>     ____________________________________________________
>>>     DI Leo Sauermann <>
>>>     Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer
>>>     Kuenstliche Intelligenz DFKI GmbH
>>>     Trippstadter Strasse 122
>>>     P.O. Box 2080           Fon:   +49 631 20575-116
>>>     D-67663 Kaiserslautern  Fax:   +49 631 20575-102
>>>     Germany                 Mail: <>
>>>     Geschaeftsfuehrung:
>>>     Prof.Dr.Dr.h.c.mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
>>>     Dr. Walter Olthoff
>>>     Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
>>>     Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
>>>     Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313
>>>     ____________________________________________________
>>     --
>>     ____________________________________________________
>>     DI Leo Sauermann <>
>>     Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer
>>     Kuenstliche Intelligenz DFKI GmbH
>>     Trippstadter Strasse 122
>>     P.O. Box 2080           Fon:   +49 631 20575-116
>>     D-67663 Kaiserslautern  Fax:   +49 631 20575-102
>>     Germany                 Mail: <>
>>     Geschaeftsfuehrung:
>>     Prof.Dr.Dr.h.c.mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
>>     Dr. Walter Olthoff
>>     Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
>>     Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
>>     Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313
>>     ____________________________________________________
>     -- 
>     ____________________________________________________
>     DI Leo Sauermann <> 
>     Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer 
>     Kuenstliche Intelligenz DFKI GmbH
>     Trippstadter Strasse 122
>     P.O. Box 2080           Fon:   +49 631 20575-116
>     D-67663 Kaiserslautern  Fax:   +49 631 20575-102
>     Germany                 Mail: <>
>     Geschaeftsfuehrung:
>     Prof.Dr.Dr.h.c.mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
>     Dr. Walter Olthoff
>     Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
>     Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
>     Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313
>     ____________________________________________________

DI Leo Sauermann 

Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer 
Kuenstliche Intelligenz DFKI GmbH
Trippstadter Strasse 122
P.O. Box 2080           Fon:   +49 631 20575-116
D-67663 Kaiserslautern  Fax:   +49 631 20575-102
Germany                 Mail:

Prof.Dr.Dr.h.c.mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
Dr. Walter Olthoff
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313

Received on Monday, 8 October 2007 16:56:30 UTC