Re: RecommendedTutorials: some progress on recommendation setup

Hi Danny,

I think your recommendation system looks really nice. I like the way that
the interface is very clean and very easy to follow.

Will you be adding capabilities to the GUI that'll make it easy for someone
to search for particular tutorials? For example, beginners material, RDF in
detail, tutorials by Ivan, or highly rated tutorials.



             "Danny Ayers"                                                 
   >                                                     To 
             Sent by:                  "W3C SWEO IG"                       
             public-sweo-ig-re         <>             
             11/20/2007 04:42          RecommendedTutorials: some progress 
             AM                        on recommendation setup             

Hi SWEOlings,

I realise I had an action to ping SWIG re. tutorials, but have
procrastinated on that long enough that I've now the scripts I was
playing with very nearly ready to act as a recommendation system.

As before there's a source list derived from - a couple of
hundred docs, though many are off-topic. I've added a form for rating
these (click on the link in the "All Tutorials" list), as well
adding/rating other resources. Not quite ready for live use - feel
free to play, I'll be clearing the data before making it live.

It's currently running on my personal Talis Platform store (which is
full of junk), but I'll flip it over to a dedicated one pretty soon.
Right now there isn't anything in place for actually presenting the
tutorials (though the SPARQL endpoint allows arbitrary presentation),
but I'm hoping to use another bit of Talis kit, Engage, for that when
I get back from trip to Bristol SWIG meet.



Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2007 17:59:33 UTC