semweb/grddl logo design coordination

Hi Simone,

I'm writing on behalf of the SWEO IG where we are currently
working on a logo for the Semantic Web. We've seen that the
GRDDL group is aiming at a GRDDL logo, and we were wondering
about how best to coordinate our efforts. 

Should SWEO be able to come up with some basic icon that the
W3C Communications Team is happy with, we plan to create a number
of button-style templates for the various SemWeb technologies
such as RDF, SPARQL, or GRDDL, i.e. a GRDDL logo could be 
combined with a general SemWeb design element. We have a 
playground page for drafts at [1]. The page also contains 
examples  of how the sub-tech buttons could look like.

We heard that the GRDDL group is trying to come up with a 
logo ASAP, I just wanted to let you know about the general semweb
logo/branding effort. We are trying to accelerate the process
on our side as well. Comments and feedback are of course welcome,
and it would be great to know whether you have a fixed deadline
for your logo. I'm not sure how fast the whole process will be, 
but our next step is to ask the Comm Team for feedback on the
current proposals and then create a more finetuned set of

Cheers so far,


Benjamin Nowack
   for SWEO

Received on Friday, 25 May 2007 17:24:22 UTC