Re: Portal view, plan B

Hi Danny,

It was Danny Ayers who said at the right time 25.07.2007 23:16 the 
following words:
> Hi Kingsley, SWEOlogists,
> I agree with the sentiment that we don't want to devote a lot of
> resources to setting up a portal, gathering the data is the priority.
> However I believe a basic portal view is within easy reach.
> Ok, on the one hand I'd very much like to see RDF data dumps made
> available at the first possible opportunity, but for the Longwell view
> mentioned earlier, I don't think that'll be necessary.
> >From what I can gather, Virtuoso can provide Semantic Bank endpoints to
> stores [1]. It also seems that Longwell can be run against a Semantic
> Bank [2].
> Kingsley, if you'd be willing to add that capability to the current
> store, I can set up a temporary Longwell install so we can see what it
> would look like. Should work, shouldn't it..?
> ~
> Incidentally I do think there's enough tutorial etc. material out there
> already for us not to need writing anything new. But what is needed is
> some annotation of those resources to make them more easily accessible.
> I'd suggest a quick & dirty vocab (align properly later) covering the
> following aspects:
> author, title, date: use DC?
> level: one of beginnner, intermediate, advanced
> topic(s): maybe just use tags in dc:subject, worry about SKOS later
> length: not sure what you'd have here, but something simple like short,
> medium, long
> media: mime type

please change these wiki pages to fit your ideas, they cover what I 
already had in mind:

> It'd only take an hour or two to set up a HTML form/bookmarklet to allow
> reasonably quick filling in of these slots (probably easiest to have a
> bit of javascript to construct RDF/XML client-side, like FOAF-a-matic
> does), then POST the data into Virtuoso?
add openid authentification, and we got our secure upload.


> Cheers,
> Danny.
> [1]
> bles
> [2]
> Longwell_configuration.3F
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Received on Friday, 27 July 2007 16:14:36 UTC