Community Projects : manage, divide & conquer?

Although I'm happy with leaving "support" open-ended, there are a
couple of aspects of the projects I think could really do with some
management - presumably from the respective project proposers.

* Resource collation - I think it's essential to be able to easily
find the status: what's needed, what's been done, where the docs &
source are, communication channels - mailing list/irc etc.

* Task decomposition - identifying & scoping discrete pieces of work
that need doing.

(When I get down to spending a few hours on my own code to-do list, I
usually have more things to-do afterwards than when I started. But
this kind of thing should be avoidable with Community Projects, as
long as (sub)tasks are clearly scoped. I think it would be easier and
overall more productive to fulfil a "make a SPARQL query & XSLT that
outputs formatX" task than an vague "work on serializers").

The ESW Wiki seems perfectly adequate for hosting this kind of
information for now, though later for outreach purposes it would be
good to have some shinier presentation.



Received on Monday, 26 February 2007 12:33:43 UTC