RE: Semantic Web Activity page use case

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Kjetil Kjernsmo

On Wednesday 07 February 2007 10:11, Ivan Herman wrote:
> I think we are in a wild agreement:-)

No, no! We're in _violent_ agreement! :-)

> The example should be extended in a way that it would not be solvable
> (or only with great complication) with microformats. My initial take
> is to emphasize the heterogeneity of the various data that are to be
> mashed; mixing vocabularies in one seamless application is one of the
> areas where microformats may begin to go wrong...

Right! So, what should we write, then....? 

I've promoted things like "what if you could take your bank statement 
and add it to the calendar along with the dates you get your paycheck, 
and see how it fits with when you can afford to fly off for a 
vacation". If that could be condensed to something understandable...

[PW] If you can show how this can be done using a working example I think
it's a great idea. However, if you can't, I think it's wise to steer clear
from examples that put the glaze in people's eyes. You might as well talk
about your toaster telling your kettle to boil because you're more likely to
have a cup of tea :)

Received on Wednesday, 7 February 2007 10:13:20 UTC