brief note about myself as a new participant

Dear SWEO members,

as I became a SWEO participant yesterday, I want to send you a few notes 
about myself. I am coordinating activities for public relations and 
technology transfer of the NoE REWERSE. My background is an M.A. in 
lingustics with the additional subject information science. I have been 
working in the described position since the beginning of the project and 
left for paternity leave around the start of the SWEO group. You met my 
colleague Dunja Ewinger who has been a member of SWEO so far and has 
been very active in the production of the Semantic Web Flyer.

I am looking forward to my participation in the SWEO group as the work 
of SWEO has a lot in common with my own tasks and I would like to 
contribute my ideas and thoughts where possible. Unfortunately, I won`t 
be able to join today`s telecon, but I am happy to join next week.

Best regards,

Received on Wednesday, 5 December 2007 09:37:30 UTC