Hi Paula,
On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 09:17:32AM +0200, Paula-Lavinia Patranjan wrote:
+> Hi Jörg,
+> as shortly discussed during the REWERSE annual meeting in Munich, the
+> W3C Semantic Web Education and Outreach Interest Group (SWEO IG) started
+> the work on a Semantic Web Information Portal (SWIP), which is to offer
+> information on Semantic Web related resources like products, tools,
+> tutorials, papers, etc. More details on this SWEO work can be found at
+> http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/InfoGathering
+> It is clear that REASE and SWIP have overlapping goals, but the SWEO
+> task force developing SWIP wants to take existing collections of
+> Semantic Web resources into account, i.e. reuse these collections if
+> possible. During the SWEO telecon yesterday the group started to discuss
+> the data sources to use for 'populating' SWIP and I told them about
+> REASE. Ivan Hermann (W3C Semantic Web Activity lead) asked me to discuss
+> with you about the possibilities of using REASE material for SWIP. (See
+> also the more concrete question of Kingsley Idehen (OpenLink Software)
+> in the attached message.) Could you please take a look at the SWIP
+> effort of SWEO and let me know about concrete usage models of the REASE
+> material?
I think as the first step SWIP can easily make use of the metadata +
let the SWIP link directly into REASE (so SWIP becomes an alternative
access interface to the data in REASE).
I have enclosed the current RDF format we have for the metadata (it
might be in an ugly format; it is quite old and has been created way
before I joined the project; however, it might still be of use for
you). This data is freely available on REASE in anyway, but you can
save crawling our server using the rdf's directly...
Best regards,
+> Thank you in advance!
+> Best regards,
+> Paula
+> Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 12:10:29 -0400
+> From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@openlinksw.com>
+> Organization: OpenLink Software
+> User-Agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20070221)
+> To: Paula-Lavinia Patranjan <paula.patranjan@ifi.lmu.de>
+> Cc: W3C SWEO IG <public-sweo-ig@w3.org>
+> Subject: Re: [InfoGathering] REASE repository of learning units
+> Resent-From: public-sweo-ig@w3.org
+> X-Mailing-List: <public-sweo-ig@w3.org> archive/latest/916
+> Paula-Lavinia Patranjan wrote:
+> >Hi,
+> >
+> >as shortly discussed during the today's telecon, REASE is a repository
+> >comprising a collection of learning resources around Semantic Web
+> >topics, such as presentations, videos or pointers to educational
+> >activities. REASE is supported by REWERSE [1] and KnowledgeWeb [2],
+> >which are both research projects funded by the European Commission.
+> >
+> >Please take a look at the REASE collection, so as to determine its
+> >importance for the Information Gathering Task Force:
+> >
+> >http://rease.semanticweb.org/
+> >
+> >I'm going to contact the REASE team to discuss about the similarity of
+> >the goals REASE and the Information Gathering Task Force have. I'll
+> >let you know as soon as I have more information on this issue.
+> >
+> >Best regards,
+> >Paula
+> >
+> >[1] http://rewerse.net
+> >[2] http://knowledgeweb.semanticweb.org/
+> Paula,
+> As a very first point of call, I would ask if they are willing to
+> release an RDF Data Set to the Information Gathering effort. I see they
+> already have a compatible license [1].
+> This is great source of tutorial and training material (IMHO).
+> Links:
+> 1. http://rease.semanticweb.org/ubp/PUSH/baseapp@licenses
+> --
+> Regards,
+> Kingsley Idehen Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
+> President & CEO
+> OpenLink Software Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
+> begin:vcard
+> fn:Dr. Paula-Lavinia Patranjan
+> n:Patranjan;Paula-Lavinia
+> org:REWERSE NoE (http://rewerse.net);Institute for Informatics, University of Munich
+> adr:;;Oettingenstr. 67;Munich;;80538;Germany
+> email;internet:paula.patranjan@ifi.lmu.de
+> title:Industry and Standardisation Co-ordinator
+> tel;work:+49 89 2180 9316
+> tel;fax:+49 89 2180 9311
+> url:http://www.pms.ifi.lmu.de/~patranjan
+> version:2.1
+> end:vcard