On the proposed SWEO IG logos

Hello SWEO IG,

Ivan Herman sent a request to the W3C Communications Team
about the logos you've been developing:

The Comm Team discussed them at our weekly teleconference today,
and we touched on both long- and short-term goals. 

1) Long-term: 

    * Today, W3C does not have a unified set of logos
      for its activities. It would likely help W3C branding
      if we did. That's a significant undertaking, but one
      that we should have on our agenda.

    * We do not have a set of guidelines for logo development;
      this is something I will add to our agenda. The guidelines
      would likely cover issues such as style requirements, 
      use of the W3C logo, and appropriate use cases for logos.
      This would be a helpful starting point for future logo projects.

2) Short-term:

   * I would like to propose that the IG not pursue the SWEO IG
     logo proposals and instead lead in the creation of a 
     more general Semantic Web logo (or small set of logos). 
     I realize that you have a certain amount of momentum, but
     I would like to see your work have a broader impact and
     do even more to promote the Semantic Web Activity.

Therefore, I would like to propose that a couple of people in the
IG work with the Comm Team directly on a logo for the Semantic Web.
Although the RDF logo already circulates, a revised Semantic Web
logo does not have to stick closely to it.

I look forward to the Comm Team working with you on this. I would
note that we will be in Banff in May; perhaps some of us can discuss
this face-to-face. 

Thank you again for your work. I look forward in particular to reading
the Semantic Web FAQ, which is certainly a great place to put a
new Semantic Web logo.

Thank you,

 _ Ian Jacobs, Head of W3C Communications

Ian Jacobs (ij@w3.org)   http://www.w3.org/People/Jacobs
Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2007 19:03:02 UTC