Re: Contd: less pet project promos? was: Re: What is the SIOC-o-sphere?

Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> Benjamin Nowack wrote:
>> hmm, I wonder if we should try to avoid promoting our own pet
>> projects too much. I think I did it at the last telcon myself
>> for which I truly apologize, and the general enthusiasm is probably a 
>> good sign; still, we are an *out*reach group, if
>> we sell the whole kool-aid to ourselves there is nothing left
>> for the people outside.. ;)
>> re blogger outreach: I think many (if not all) convincing
>> demos can be done with already deployed vocabs such as DC,
>> FOAF, RSS, ANNOTEA, and maybe Danny's IBIS.
> In reading your mail, I did actually take a look at IBIS[1] 
> interesting, and naturally, I also found it as complimentary to SIOC  
> as I do FOAF, RSS, AtomOWL, and Annotea [2].
> Now, when I make a comment such as the one I make above, how would you 
> expect I or anyone else on this mailing list to crystallize the point 
> anecdotally? Without some demo or commentary about how the meshing has 
> been achieved?
> I am spending a lot of time on this matter, because SWEO has a serious 
> task on its hands. The Semantic Web is a serious things and I 
> shuddered to think about an evolution of the web that protracts 
> (unnecessarily) the materialization of this vision.
> Pet projects, relevant Vendor examples and demo URIs are all  elements 
> of the knowledgebase I am hoping we end up constructing via this SWEO 
> effort (ultimately exposed as a SPARQL accessible Data Source).
> No single vendor is going to own the Web (hopefully I am preaching to 
> the choir here). We are moving into an era of unprecedented 
> collaboration like no other (thanks to the Web). Sharing knowledge, 
> information, and data in all their respective forms must be welcome 
> (style is irrelevant since substance is all that counts).  Imagine the 
> lost knowledge sharing opportunity (to me and potentially others), if 
> I didn't go look around at IBIS? And more importantly, provide a link 
> (one of our conventions here)? Imagine that?
> Links:
> 1. (IBIS)
> 2. (IMHO - Marja Ritta should be part 
> of SWEO)
I'm happy to join if you want to invite me.

I think Annotea social annotations, bookmarks and topics/tags (more 
links can be found in has a lot to offer and 
unlike many other pet projects it has always been open minded to using 
already existing schemas when possible and allowing others to extend the 
schemas. Unfortunately many Annotea properties have also been copied and 
renamed again and again, which means more unnecessary mappings, but 
that's the human nature.

We did look at gIbis when doing Annotea annotations. Here are some of 
our predefined annotation types:

Users can also easily define their own types:

Another possibility is to use Annotea social topics. Here are some 
examples :
for status (without xslt

for content labels: (without xslt

> Kingsley

Received on Saturday, 23 December 2006 18:38:39 UTC