Re: Running code

Es begab sich aber da Kjetil Kjernsmo zur rechten Zeit 18.12.2006 13:30 
folgendes schrieb:
> Dear all,
> ...
> I think that at this point, running code is the most important outreach 
> we can do. The long tail still thinks that semweb is an academic 
> exercise, and they will not be awaken unless there is applications that 
> actually does something practical. More theory will not have any effect 
> on them, I believe. 
agreed on anything you say here.

> I think we should address those who are most likely to write running 
> code. Writing code is not within the scope of this group, I guess, but 
> to address the many web developers, I think finding ways to get running 
> code is the most important thing we can do to attract attention.
> I have two concrete proposals that I believe could have a good effect, 
ok, now the crucial bit: in your e-mail, I don't find them.

I have also one or two ideas, maybe they are the same. I would say we 
call each other and see if we can agree on ONE idea that we throw out as 
"people, this needs to be coded to show that RDF rocks".


(we could also do this via e-mail, just takes longer)


DI Leo Sauermann 
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Received on Wednesday, 20 December 2006 17:20:24 UTC