Re: [Messaging] Questionnaires

Hi Susie,

I'm happy to help you redesign the questionnaire. Is there a good time 
when we can speak in the next few days?


Susie Stephens wrote:
> Ian Jacobs (Head of W3C Communications) has sent me some useful 
> information about designing questionnaires.
> Ian has two main points.
> 1. He thinks that we should use a Web form. He has confirmed that it 
> would be possible for non-W3C members to complete WBS forms.
> 2. He thinks that we should have more targeted questions. For example, 
> asking people to score the strength of their opinions, and to use 
> radio buttons to guide people towards various options.
> A Web form sounds like a good way to go, now that it's clear that 
> everyone can access WBS forms. If others agree, are there people who 
> would like to work closely with me to redesign the questionnaire?
> Kind regards,
> Susie
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject:     Re: SWEO Questionnaires
> Date:     Wed, 29 Nov 2006 21:37:41 +0000
> From:     Ian B. Jacobs <>
> Organization:     W3C
> To:     Susie Stephens <>
> CC:     Ivan Herman <>
> References:     <>
> On Wed, 2006-11-29 at 16:09 -0500, Susie Stephens wrote:
>> Ian,
>> SWEO would like to send out email questionnaires to vendors and 
>> non-vendors to better understand their current views around the 
>> Semantic Web [1].
>> As many of the companies that we plan to target are members of W3C, I 
>> would like to check that you are happy with the questionnaires before 
>> we send them out.
> Hi Susie,
> Thank you for the opportunity to look at the questions. I have some
> suggestions:
> a) Since this is for W3C Members, I suggest you use WBS [1] instead
>    of email; W3C Members are now quite familiar with WBS and it is
>    easy to build these questionnaires. Someone on the Team can help you
>    put together the questionnaire.
>    [1]
>    You can follow the link to [1] and look at some of the
>    existing questionnaires for inspiration.
> b) I only have a limited experience building such surveys, but
>    I believe that you will get more useful data by being more
>    specific. Thus, instead of a general question such as:
>    "How do customers perceive your usage of the Semantic Web?"
>    I suggest you offer some specifics, as in:
>    "Please rank how important (1-7) and how satisfied (1-7)
>     your customers are with your usage of the Semantic Web
>     in these areas:"
>    [And now list the top 3-5 areas you are thinking of; I don't
>     have any good ones off the top of my head.]
>    Or similarly:
>    "Please rank how important (1-7) your customers found these
>     advantages:"
>     * lower cost of integration
>     * ease of migration path
>     * reuse of tools
>     * ...
>    And the same for any disadvantages you have in mind.
> c) For each question where you list specifics for them to select or    
> rank, provide a text area for them to enter any additional comments.
> d) It is probably useful to go from broad questions to specific    
> questions, as in:
>   I. Overall Satisfaction with Semantic Web Technologies
>    1. Please indicate your organization's overall satisfaction with
>       Semantic Web Technologies (1-7).
>    2. Please indicate your customer's overall satisfaction with your
>       organization's use of Semantic Web Technologies (1-7)
>    3. Are you a vendor or enterprise (non-vendor)? [Radio buttons]
>    3. Please rank the importance (1-7) of the following factors       
> on your decision to use Semantic Web Technology. Please use
>       the space below for any additional comments on factors that
>       influenced your decision.
>    4. Please rank the importance (1-7) of the following factors       
> on your customers' decision to use Semantic Web Technology.
>       Please use the space below for any additional comments on       
> factors that influenced your customers' decision.
>       [Not so sure about #4; salt to taste.]
>  II. Perceived Advantages and Disadvantages of Semantic Web      
> Technologies
>    1. How are you using? [Please describe any implementations?]
>    2. Primary Advantages?
>    3. Primary Disadvantages?
>      [For 2 and 3, have them rank reasons relative to one another;  
>       make sure to provide an "other" option after the specific ones.
> III. Perceived Customer Satisfaction
>    1. Primary Areas of Satisfaction?
>    2. Primary Areas of Dissatisfaction?
> I hope these comments are useful.
> _ Ian
>> Kind regards,
>> Susie
>> [1]

Received on Tuesday, 5 December 2006 14:00:07 UTC