SKOS comment: concept representation management properties

The IPTC -  <> - reviews how to express its
controlled vocabularies in SKOS. This works quite well - except for
management metadata of a concept representation. We need to express:

-          The date a concept representation has been created

-          ... possibly adding a creator of the concept representation.

-          The date a concept representation was modified


The SKOS Primer provides a section on Documentary Notes but only a short
note on formal expression at the end of section 2.4:
"Before concluding this section, it is important to note that other,
non-SKOS properties could be used to document concepts. The
<> dct:creator property from Dublin Core [
<> DC] can for instance be used to point
to a person that created the concept:
ex:madagascarFishEagle dct:creator [ foaf:name "John Smith" ].

Hm, for a human being John Smith may not easily create a Madagascar Fish
Eagle - despite of Greg Venter's current achievements - thus the reader of
this triple may infer that John has not created the animal but the RDF
representation of it. This is obvious to some extent.


But what about this resource:


                dct:creator [ foaf:name "Peter Stone" ];

                dct:issued "2010-05-11"^^xs:Date.

Ok, in this case the dct:creator is "An entity primarily responsible for
making the resource" as Dublin Core defines, thus the author of this book.

How to express who created this concept representation?

Exactly the same applies to dct:issued: in the case above it's the date this
book was available on the web, and how to express when this concept
representation was available?


In short: we would highly appreciate to see core properties like "date
created", "creator", "date modified", "modifier", "date deprecated/retired"
and "version number" which relate to the concept representation and not to
the concept defined by SKOS - this way overcoming tricky reification issues.







Sent by:

Michael Steidl

Managing Director of the IPTC <>

International Press Telecommunications Council -  <>

Business office address: 

20 Garrick Street, London WC2E 9BT, United Kingdom

Registered in England, company no 101096


Received on Tuesday, 25 May 2010 17:51:43 UTC