[SKOS] [Fwd: [Ecoterm] UMTHES goes SKOSXL]

Here is an update for the UMTHES implementation, which was already listed at [1].
They do use SKOS-XL now, apparently!


[1] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/SKOS/reference/20090315/implementation.html

-------- Message original --------
Sujet: [Ecoterm] UMTHES goes SKOSXL
Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 12:05:58 +0200
De: Thomas Bandholtz <thomas.bandholtz@innoq.com>
Pour: e-envi@lists.innoq.com <e-envi@lists.innoq.com>,  ecoterm@npogroups.org

Dear colleagues,

we just finished a draft about the German UMTHES in SKOS using "SKOS
Extensions for Labels" (SKOSXL).
Unfortunately the written specification is in German language, but there
are may examples in Turtle syntax that may speak for themselves.

Download at http://www.innoq.com/e-envi/.

Any suggestions are welcome,


Thomas Bandholtz, thomas.bandholtz@innoq.com, http://www.innoq.com 
innoQ Deutschland GmbH, Halskestr. 17, D-40880 Ratingen, Germany
Phone: +49 228 9288490 Mobile: +49 178 4049387 Fax: +49 2102 77160-1

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Received on Monday, 25 May 2009 11:03:47 UTC