meeting record: 2009-03-24 SemWeb Deployment WG

Alistair's minutes from last week's Semantic Web Deployment Working
Group telecon are in

(I'd posted the cleaned up version for Alistair last week but perhaps
he hoped I would send this notice to the WG as well.)

A text snapshot follows.


                                SWD WG

24 Mar 2009



   See also: [3]IRC log, previous [4]2009-03-10



          Alistair, Guus, Tom, Antoine, Sean, Ed, Diego, Jon





     * Topics
         1. ADMIN
         2. SKOS
         3. RDFa
         4. RECIPES
         5. RDFa METADATA NOTE
         6. AOB
     * Summary of Action Items


   guus: PROPOSED to accept minutes of last telcon


   (no objections)

   RESOLVED to accept minutes of last telcon


   guus: next telcon 7 April
   ... regrets from ralph [for today's telecon]


   guus: congrats for CR status

   <scribe> ACTION: Ralph include in the Call for Implementation prose
   on"feedback on implementations of SKOS Editors and
   in[15]] [DONE]
   [recorded in


   guus: mailing lists need to be notified of CR

   guus: should contain request for skos checkers and vocabularies

   alistair: format for responses?

   guus: format proposed by sean

   antoine: wiki page somewhere



   <Antoine> [18]target=SKOSImplementation.html


   guus: no format there for vocabularies

   Alistair: only reader, writer, checker

   guus: come back to this after discuss implementation report

   <scribe> ACTION: Antoine to ammend the labels and other annotations
   in skos rdf in consultation w/ sean [recorded in
   [19]] [DONE]




   antoine: some discussion on labeling policy, but can just continues
   discussing, anyway it is published as CR so may get feedback in
   coming weeks

   guus: what are issues?

   antoine: i changed a lot of labels (rdfs:label) and tried to put
   some verbs and prepositions, e.g. broader is now "has broader
   concept"... done for all object properties, because ambiguous in
   direction, but not done for all properties because literal
   properties less

   Guus: suggest to continue discussion on the list

   Antoine: other issues still remaning
   ... firstly, owl2 actions. Got some feedback from I. Herman
   ... continue discussion on the list

   Antoine: anyone has comments on the owl2 issue? (none)

   antoine: contributors to first schema: nikki rogers and dave beckett
   ... wonder if still ok to be mentioned, found it weird, must have
   been involved in first version but now file has changed, but danbri
   mailed them asking, nikki is happy with it, no news from dave, also
   will be settled in next weeks

   guus: isn't dan brickley also contributor? others are also
   contributors? in that sense very icomplete list
   ... either cut it out or make it complete.

   antoine: could make it complete, add 20 names

   guus: ok, then we make it complete

   antoine: i think it would be less than 20 names, make it easier

   alistair: just include from this WG, or previous WG?

   guus: hard to be complete, don't know who contributed what
   ... can we put in URIs, SWAD-Europe, SWBPD, SWD, three contributing

   alistair: also list are contributors

   guus: can contributors be links?

   antoine: yes, tom made comment that in current schema they are
   literals, not really best practice, tom can you confirm?

   guus: suggest to include links to SWAD-Europe, SWBPD, SWD and
   plublic-swd as dc:contributor. let's keep this open
   ... any more about ontology file?

   antoine: that's everything

   guus: any outstanding actions for SKOS Primer?

   antoine: two comments since published, one about comments in turtle
   code (ivan h), one from alistair on sparql queries, propose to add
   as editorial changes in next version, ok?

   guus: as long as trivial editorial changes, error corrections, then
   it is fine. just keep the change history.
   ... leave use cases.
   ... SKOS Implementation report
   ... we have text from sean on tools, do we also want text on
   vocabularies? or just ask for uri on vocabulary?
   ... need a structure?
   ... alistair, could you draft text for call, i'm happy to comment.
   ... also earlier link from our site, but description maybe too
   ... we can ask for a listing of the constructs they use, but don't
   ask too many questions, shouldn't be any real burden to submit.

   <scribe> ACTION: alistair to write draft message call for
   implementations and issue to the list [recorded in

   antoine: looking at call for use cases format. i opened text for
   call for use cases we issued 2 years ago, look at what we asked for
   vocab descriptions at the time, some items useful but basic, e.g.
   title, general characteristics, languages. then other things, like
   ways it is used, main constructs...

   guus: use this for inspiration

   antoine: 3 first items, then asking about constructs used

   alistair: sounds good

   guus: suggest leave implementation report. alistair if you can
   distribute message, we can distribute before next telcon.
   ... only thing holding us up.

   alistair: deadline for responses?

   guus: 15 april

   <scribe> ACTION: Antoine add the Vrieje Uni tool to the
   implementation report [recorded in


   guus: agrovoc, include in implementation report
   ... SKOS community after SWD, leave for now.
   ... main web page

   antoine: main web page?

   guus: no, wikipedia page
   ... two things to do now?

   antoine: maybe first briefing about main page, i've actually
   explored it last week, did a number of updates, in principle should
   be ok, new CR documents are mentioned, i also cleaned some links to
   the old version, no refer to new version.
   ... alistair could check that?

   alistair: thanks for that

   guus: looks good
   ... just leaves wikipedia page...

   antoine: i cannot do anything for that, in next days or weeks
   ... alistair, you did something?

   alistair: yes, then updated by bernard vatant i think

   guus: needs to be reorganised

   alistair: quite out of date

   guus: ok if we use text from our current documents here? some text,
   not everything of course
   ... leave for now, links in agenda


   guus: nobody here

   <scribe> ACTION: Ben review RDFa Use Cases and propose transition to
   Group Note [recorded in



   diego: there is a small error in the current note, problem is user
   agent is taking precendence over accept header. so agents are served
   with html even if requesting rdf. not a very serious problem,
   because users don't change accept header of browsers, but maybe a
   problem in future if user installs plugins for browsers e.g.
   tabulator ...
   ... so it's worth fixing.
   ... i would appreciate a second opinion on my proposal, i think it's
   correct but i'm not sure.

   antoine: personally i was happy with what you did, solved my
   specific problem.

   diego: new editors' draft for review by WG?

   guus: you propose a new version of the note?

   diego: yes, right step

   guus: we can supersede previous note

   diego: i will update current draft to new one, then send to mailing
   list for review

   guus: please update the change history, we can just review the
   change, and vote on it either next time or 21 april

   diego: ok
   ... btw i check this morning, check accept header by IE8, just
   released this week, still sends same accept header as previous
   versions */*, accept anything.

   <scribe> ACTION: diego to prepare new version of recipes note
   [recorded in

   <scribe> ACTION: Ralph to review the revised Recipes draft [recorded
   in [25]]


   <scribe> ACTION: Ralph/Diego to work on Wordnet implementation [of
   Recipes implementations] [recorded in


   guus: btw, w3c wordnet implementation is one of central pieces in
   LOD cloud, one of few vocabularies in there currently


   <scribe> ACTION: Ralph post his comments on the editor's draft of
   the metadata note [recorded in



   -- OWL Last Call

   guus: ian horrocks replied to our last call comments, link in agenda



   guus: basically they agree with our comments, are preparing one new
   document (overview), want to include also in syntax document other
   ... they ask us to respond to this, understood in coordination group
   there will be new last call for owl anyway, normally i would ask for
   us to see revised documents, but we will have an opportinuty anyway.
   so i propose we respond positively, with a remark we would like to
   see revised documents.
   ... they have new features document which currently doesn't contain
   rdf syntax, i don't think they want to do this, i would be in favour
   to do this also

   alistair: sounds like a good idea

   guus: important we respond positively, they are making effort to
   address our remarks.

   antoine: no objection from me

   sean: no

   <scribe> ACTION: guus to draft response to ian with thanks for
   addressing comments, happy to see revised documents, would favour
   new features document also to include rdf syntax [recorded in

   guus: sean, we already discussed implementation report, alistair
   will draft a message, also with indications on how we expect people
   to respond on skos vocabularies, have feedback on list first, then
   send out to all mailing lists we used for previous notifications.
   ... antoine has suggested we draw on previous call for use cases.
   ... congrats for CR spec.

   sean: congrats to all

   guus: if we meet in two weeks, have to think of good way to
   distribute last piece of work, getting implementation report tables
   filled out, and alistair will be able to send out message.

   sean: regrets for 7 april

   guus: next time back at normal time for europeans

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: alistair to write draft message call for
   implementations and issue to the list [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: diego to prepare new version of recipes note [recorded
   in [31]]
   [NEW] ACTION: guus to draft response to ian with thanks for
   addressing comments, happy to see revised documents, would favour
   new features document also to include rdf syntax [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Antoine add the Vrieje Uni tool to the
   implementation report [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Ben review RDFa Use Cases and propose transition
   to Group Note [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Ralph post his comments on the editor's draft of
   the metadata note [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Ralph to review the revised Recipes draft
   [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Ralph/Diego to work on Wordnet implementation [of
   Recipes implementations] [recorded in
   [DONE] ACTION: Antoine to ammend the labels and other annotations in
   skos rdf in consultation w/ sean [recorded in
   [DONE] ACTION: Ralph include in the Call for Implementation prose
   on"feedback on implementations of SKOS Editors and
   [recorded in
   [End of minutes]


    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [41]scribe.perl version 1.135
    ([42]CVS log)
    $Date: 2009/03/25 12:19:54 $


Received on Tuesday, 31 March 2009 14:40:23 UTC