Re: Request for feedback on SKOS Last Call Working Draft

At 02:22 PM 2/26/2009 +0100, Antoine Isaac wrote:
>if an application does matching of en-UK and en-GB to en, then the following RDF triples:
>ex:color skos:prefLabel "color"@en-US ;
>   skos:prefLabel "colour"@en-GB.
>ex:color skos:prefLabel "color"@en ;
>   skos:prefLabel "colour"@en.

I believe you're making an application-specific choice here.
Where in the SKOS data model (spec) is this entailment
endorsed?  I could imagine an application that may find it
convenient to implement language searching by acting as
if your example were endorsed but it doesn't feel appropriate
to me in general to state such an entailment.

>This is incompatible with the SKOS specifications for prefLabel [2].

Which is one of the reasons it's an inappropriate entailment :)


Received on Tuesday, 3 March 2009 14:29:13 UTC