Re: SKOS Comment: Primer WD from 17 March 2009; 4.5 Transitive Hierarchies

Dear Lars,

Thanks for the comment!

By 'the text', are you refering to the sentence 
> if "animals" is broader than "mammals" and "mammals" is broader than "cats", then "animals" is broader than "cats".

If yes, then it's intented this way: the sentence has an informal flavor. Plus, it might be confusing for readers already puzzled by the label and 'direction' of skos:broader.
'if "animals" is skos:broader than "mammals"' may indeed be quickly read as an RDF triple (animal skos:broader mammals) which does not correspond to the actual situation.

I hope this answers your concern,


> Hi all,
> In Sec 4.5 Transitive Hierarchies, you use the property ex:broader when
> explaining the example 4.5.1. Since you use skos:broader in the figure,
> shouldn't it be skos:broader in the text, too?
> Thanks,
> Lars

Received on Friday, 5 June 2009 13:04:31 UTC