- From: Guus Schreiber <schreiber@cs.vu.nl>
- Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 18:47:35 +0100
- To: SWD WG <public-swd-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <4991BDB7.7020906@cs.vu.nl>
All, This is a revised *proposed* response to the OWL LC documents, based on the discussions at today's telecon. As agreed during the telecon, please comment before Thursday, as we want to prevent further delays in providing the OWL group with comments. Thanks, Guus Dear OWL WG, The Semantic Web Deployment (SWD) Working Group has reviewed the OWL2 Last Call documents. We apologise that these comments are provided to you after the deadline. We hope you will still be able to consider them. NOTE: Our comments are given from the perspective of the work of SWD on SKOS [1], as SKOS is based on RDF/OWL. 1. The SWD WG notes that some of the extensions provided by OWL2 appear to be useful for SKOS. For example, property disjointness can be used in specifying the semantics for SKOS mapping relations. Although currently not needed in the SKOS semantics, we can foresee use cases for new property characteristics such as (ir)reflexivity and asymmetry, e.g. for specifying application-specific specializations of SKOS semantic relations. For alignment between SKOS and OWL DL the possibility to define axioms about annotation properties is perceived as useful. 2. The SWD WG is disappointed about the way the OWL2 material is presented, in particular the lack of using either an RDF/XML or an RDF triple representation of OWL2. Even the " New Features and Rationale" document [2] refrains from using such syntax. This makes the OWL2 documents inaccessible for the typical SKOS user. We request that the OWL WG remedies this situation. 3. The SWD WG notes that most OWL2 documents give the impression that OWL2 is just an extension of OWL1 DL, and not of OWL1 Full. For example, the introduction of OWL2 Direct Semantics document states [3]: [[ Since OWL 2 is an extension of OWL DL ]] Only one document clearly makes the OWL2 DL and OWL2 Full distinction [4]. In our experience OWL Full is the dominant OWL usage pattern for SKOS. We therefore request that the OWL2 document are edited in such a way that whenever the term "OWL2" is used, it is used to refer to the OWL2 language as a whole (OWL2 DL and OWL2 Full). If OWL2 DL is meant, it should be explicitly marked as such. We also request that the nature and role of OWL2 Full are clearly stated in other central OWL documents, not just in [4]. 4. The SWD Working Group would like the OWL Working Group to clarify in the documents that RDF/XML remains to be the normative exchange syntax for OWL and that the other syntaxes fulfil a role similar to the N-Triples syntax for RDF. We hope these comments are of use to you. Best, Guus Schreiber on behalf of the Semantic Web Deployment Working Group [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/skos-reference/ [2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-owl2-new-features-20081202/ [3] http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-owl2-semantics-20081202/#Introduction [5] http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-owl2-rdf-based-semantics-20081202/
Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2009 17:48:15 UTC