a summary of skos changes

Jon Phipps and I have been invited to speak briefly about SKOS at an
NKOS/CENDI meeting on Thursday [1]. The conveners are particularly
interested in a summary of the changes to SKOS. I've take a very rough
stab [2] at this, and would be interested in any feedback you may have
on whether I've missed some big/small changes and/or mis-characterized
them. I couldn't seem to find a summary of the recent changes to SKOS;
if one exists please let me know!


PS. Along the way I hacked together a little python utility called
vdiff [3] for comparing vocabulary namespaces. It's pretty simplistic
and the output is somewhat overwhelming [4], but it helped me get a
handle on the changes to SKOS at least. If I had more time, or there
was more interest it would be nice to adapt it to possibly use some
more fully baked ideas [5,6]. Although vdiff is quite different in
that it doesn't compare distinct resources, it compares vocabulary
namespaces by guessing that say
http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept is the same as
http://www.w3.org/2008/05/skos#Concept. It's not clear to me how much
this situation actually happens in practice...

[1] http://cendievents.infointl.com/kos_workshop_091108/
[2] http://inkdroid.org/bzr/vdiff/example/skos-changes-summary.txt
[3] http://inkdroid.org/bzr/vdiff/vdiff
[4] http://inkdroid.org/bzr/vdiff/example/skos-diff.txt
[5] http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Diff
[6] http://vocab.org/changeset/schema

Received on Tuesday, 9 September 2008 13:14:52 UTC