Re: ISSUE-180: Last Call Comment: PFWG: skosxl:Label class

Hi Alistair,

Your answer makes much sense, also from the Primer's perspective.


> Hi all,
> I'm going to break this issue into two parts, with separate responses.
> Here is a draft response to the first part of the comment, comments
> welcome.
> --- begin draft message ---
> Dear Al,
> Thank you for your detailed and helpful comments. In response to the
> comment below:
> On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 09:54:57AM +0000, SWD Issue Tracker wrote:
>> ISSUE-180: Last Call Comment: PFWG: skosxl:Label class
>> Raised by:  Everyone
>> On product: All
>> Raised by Al Gilman on behalf of PFWG in [1]:
>> """
>> Re Appendix A.2. The skosxl:Label Class
>> The new “label framework” goes in the right direction, but does not  
>> go far enough.
>> The skos:hiddenLabel property is considered to be useful for  
>> accessibility-related use cases (where misspellings may occur).
>> The new properties skos:prefLabel and skos:altLabel  conflict with  
>> dc:title.  In fact, these properties co-exist in examples of the SKOS  
>> reference.  Guidance is missing as to when to use the skos-defined  
>> label properties, and when to use dc:title.
> In the SKOS Reference [2], the only time dc:title is used is in the
> example in section 1.3, where it is used to give the title of a
> concept scheme. The properties skos:prefLabel or skos:altLabel are
> never used with concept schemes, only with concepts.
> Similarly, the SKOS Primer consistently uses dc:title to give the
> title of a concept scheme, and skos:prefLabel/skos:altLabel to label
> concepts. The use of dc:title and dc:creator to describe a concept
> scheme is described in section 2.5 of the SKOS Primer [3]:
> """ 
> The following example shows how to define a concept scheme
> resource (representing a thesaurus) and to describe that resource
> using the dc:title and dc:creator properties from Dublin Core [DC]:
> ex:animalThesaurus rdf:type skos:ConceptScheme;
>   dc:title "Simple animal thesaurus";
>   dc:creator ex:antoineIsaac.
> """
> Is this sufficient, or would you like to see further clarification?
> Kind regards,
> Alistair
> Sean
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

Received on Thursday, 23 October 2008 11:38:13 UTC