Re: ISSUE-148 draft response

Hi Sean,

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 05:07:26PM +0100, Sean Bechhofer wrote:
> All,
> Here's an updated draft response to Erik on [ISSUE-148]. Let me know  
> what you think. Note *this is just a draft, not the actual response* -- 
> I'll wait for feedback from the WG before replying formally to Erik. 
> (Erik if you're lurking on this list feel free to post your thoughts at 
> any time.)
> 	Sean
> Dear Erik,
> thanks for your comments [1]:
> """
> While it makes good sense to have an abstract base to handle unexpected
> cases, the draft acknowledges in Section 8.6.7. Reflexivity of  
> skos:broader
> and Section 8.6.8. Cycles in the Hierarchical Relation (Reflexivity of
> skos:broaderTransitive) that many applications expect hierarchical
> relationships to be irreflexive and noncyclical.
> Given that this requirement will be quite common, is it appropriate to
> leave it as an exercise for each application to solve in a different  
> way?
> Or would it be better to define subproperties with these constraints so
> this common requirement can be addressed by common SKOS infrastructure?
> """
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> We appreciate and understand your comments relating to the provision of 
> standardised relationships. With SKOS (as with any vocabulary) the WG had 
> to make decisions as to "when to stop" in terms of providing  
> standardised vocabulary. In this case, we have decided to leave this as 
> an exercise for the reader and propose to make no change at this point.

Perhaps we should say "exercise for the community" instead? "Exercise
for the reader" makes it sound like we're writing a textbook :)

Otherwise sounds good.


> This does not, of course close the door on the possibility of  
> standardised extensions in the future.
> Are you able to live with this?.
> Cheers,
> 	Sean Bechhofer
> 	Alistair Miles
> [ISSUE-148]
> [1]
> --
> Sean Bechhofer
> School of Computer Science
> University of Manchester

Alistair Miles
Senior Computing Officer
Image Bioinformatics Research Group
Department of Zoology
The Tinbergen Building
University of Oxford
South Parks Road
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1865 281993

Received on Tuesday, 14 October 2008 11:22:07 UTC