Status of LC comments

You will have noticed that Alistair and I have been logging the LC  
comments as issues in the issue tracker. A number of these comments  
are editorial in nature, which I believe Alistair and I will be able  
to deal with relatively simply -- we have already begun to draft  
responses. There are, however, some more substantial comments which I  
believe would benefit from discussion on the call tomorrow. These  

* ISSUE-135, relating to labelling properties and the use of  
rdfs:label as a superproperty;
* ISSUE-153 and ISSUE-175, relating to the SKOS namespace;
* ISSUE-157, use of non OWL 2 constructs in examples.

In addition, it would be useful to have WG approval/discussion of the  
current draft responses.


Sean Bechhofer
School of Computer Science
University of Manchester

Received on Monday, 6 October 2008 15:30:57 UTC