ISSUE-154: Formality in SKOS Reference

ISSUE-154: Formality in SKOS Reference

Raised by: Sean Bechhofer
On product: SKOS

>From Peter Patel-Schneider [1]:

I would much prefer to have more formality in this reference document.
I feel that it is important to have at least those parts of the SKOS
model that fit into RDF or OWL be prominently mentioned.  It is true
that there is a RDF/XML document that has the OWL 1 portion of SKOS, but
this is only mentioned at the very end of the reference document.  I
feel that it would be much better to mention this RDF/XML document at
the beginning of the reference document.  I also note that the reference
document mentions an outdated version of the RDF/XML document.


Received on Thursday, 2 October 2008 10:51:36 UTC