SKOS comment - intended directionality needs to be stated

The intended directionality of skos:broader (and skos:narrower, etc.) is unclear in
the SKOS Reference.  When I write

        :a skos:broader :b .

Is this supposed to mean ":a is broader than :b"?  Or ":b is broader than :a"?

I imagine the directionality is somewhere stated, but in searching throught the SKOS Reference for several minutes I was unable to find it in the obvious places, such as the section on skos:broader:
or in Section 7 on its semantics:
or even in the examples:

I think a statement needs to be added somewhere, even if it is merely in the example, saying something like:
        :a skos:broader :b .

indicates that :b is a broader concept than :a.

David Booth, Ph.D.
HP Software
+1 617 629 8881 office  |

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Received on Thursday, 13 March 2008 16:57:46 UTC