Re: SKOS Comment (Reference WD June 2008) - broaderTransitive < broader, narrowerTransitive < narrower

Dear Joao,

Your comment is actually one that we got some times, especially on the 
SKOS list itself.

Look at
and my answer at
for some insight at the formal aspects.

Now, maybe in a more pedagogical way (and using Leonard's argument): 
broaderTransitive is a transitive specialization link. So it can be 
interpreted as "ancestor" (while broader is a mere "parent"). And of 
course "parent" is a special case of "ancestor", not the other way round.

That being said, it's very useful for us to realize that this 
specialization aspect is so much a problem. I'll try to add some 
sentences in the Primer about it. And of course if it is not clear now 
you should complain again.

Thanks a lot for your feedback,


> Dear SKOS Editors,
> The definition S19 states that:
>     "S19  skos:broader is a sub-property of skos:broaderTransitive and 
> skos:narrower is a sub-property of skos:narrowerTransitive".
> I think the correct form should be:
>     "S19  skos:broaderTransitive is a sub-property of skos:broader and 
> skos:narrowerTransitive is a sub-property of skos:narrower".
> because "to be broader transitive" is a specific case of "to be 
> broader" (or narrower). The generic property should subsumes the 
> specific one.
>      If my comment is correct, it is necessary to adjust the "full set 
> of sub-property relationships" diagram (above "Example 53") to follow 
> this new hierarchy.
> Best
> Joao Alberto de Oliveira Lima
> PS. This same comment was done in March'08 by 

Received on Friday, 27 June 2008 07:40:55 UTC