Re: RDFa is a Candidate Recommendation

Karl Dubost wrote:
> What do you mean by "this language can be served as text/html"?
> Is it RDFa?
> Is it XHTML (containing RDFa)?


> I'm checking the [RDFa Implementation Report][1].

That document is not yet complete, as we have just entered CR.

> It is not clear how the document has been sent (as html or as xml)
> for testing the RDFa processor. It is not clear either if the
> document is on the Web (with mime-type) or out of the Web (without
> mime-type) during the processing.

This is a bit complicated, as some processors make the request for the 
URL and go from there, whereas other RDFa processors work straight on 
the DOM inside a browser, thereby assuming that the browser did the 
right thing with MIME types.

In any case, I'm not sure this has any effect on the validator's 
behavior, right?


Received on Monday, 23 June 2008 05:29:47 UTC