Re: ACTIO: SKOS concepts and OWL classes

Hi Guus,

Thanks a lot! Most of this text could fit the Primer as such, I think.
I have however two remarks:

1. When you say

> OWL Full users will be able to handle the situation above by treating 
> |skos:Concept| explicitly as a metaclass, e.g. by adding the statement 
> of the form:
>     skos:Concept rdfs:subClassOf owl:Class .

I feel a bit unconfortable. The starting point of this SKOS/OWL issue is 
that we want to apply OWL modelling features to SKOS concept 
individuals, or SKOS modelling features to instances of OWL classes. And 
because this result (either because of some axiom or because of apriori 
specification of the type of these entities), we happen to "cross the 
streams", as Alistair puts it in [1], that is, being outside of OWL-DL.
But that's to me different from the intention of saying that every 
skos:Concept is an owl:Class. The statement that you write here creates 
the same kind of effect as the one saying that skos:broader was 
transitive, which we wanted to avoid because (among other reasons) it 
would have messed with non-transitive interpretations of broader.

2. Could/Should we had a sentence for the users interested in OWL-DL 
*and* linking classes to concepts? At the time they read the Primer this 
metamodelling option in OWL 1.1 could well not exist.
I could put in the section on "extending SKOS" a brief note on one among 
the patterns of [1,2] which could help them to solve their problem (e.g. 
the use of a bridge property such as skos:it or whatever name is 
convenient). And point to it from your text.
This would actually enable to extend this topic from "OWL classes" to 
"entities in the OWL ontologies", including OWL individuals such as 
instances of foaf:Person. This was one of the motivations for these 
discussions at the begining, cf. the motivation section in [2] 
(especially the POWDER case)




> ACTION: Alistair and Guus write draft section in primer on 
> relationship between SKOS concepts and OWL classes for OWL DL users 
> []
> Alistair, all,
> I've written a first draft. See the attached HTML.
> Guus

Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2008 11:22:52 UTC