Revised Recipes

All, Ralph, Ed

With many thanks to the reviewers, a revised editors' draft of the  
Best Practice Recipes is now available at:

To the extent that it might be helpful to reviewers, there's an html  
diff here:

The reviews are here
0014.html (discussion:
0062.html (discussion:

Note to Ralph,
One thing we didn't do in this version was address this suggestion:
"When I printed a hardcopy of the document, the longer lines in
each of the blocks of directives were truncated.  I suggest using
'\' continuation lines to break the longer RewriteCond directives
between the test and the pattern.  Some of the comment lines
are similarly truncated and should be wrapped."

While I absolutely agree, I tried it on a few of the recipes and felt  
that it reduced the readability on screen. I hope that it's ok with  
you if we leave it long for this version.

Note to Ed,
We think that we'll have to wait for a later version to more  
thoroughly address the IE hack issues that you raised. (see http://
We also haven't yet changed the example namespace to for this  

Other than these suggestions, we believe that we have incorporated  
all of the reviewers' suggestions and fixes into the current draft.  
So subject to final approval by the reviewers, we believe that this  
document is ready to publish and request that the Working Group  
consider publishing it.

Jon & Diego

Received on Monday, 21 January 2008 22:48:53 UTC