Re: SKOS Labelling Properties

Sean Bechhofer wrote:
> It has come to our attention that there is an inconsistency between the 
> SKOS Reference and the SKOS Primer. In Section 2.2 of the primer, we have:
> [[
> As specified in Section 5 of the SKOS Reference, the properties 
> skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel provide simple 
> labels. They are all sub-properties of rdfs:label.
> ]]
> This is *not* the case in Reference. The labelling properties are *not* 
> declared to be sub-properties of rdfs:label in either the Reference 
> prose or the RDF schema. I believe that this is an oversight, and that 
> expectations are that the SKOS lexical labelling properties should be 
> subproperties of rdfs:label in order to ensure compatability with 
> existing tools (e.g. see [1]). The inclusion of the statement in the 
> Primer lends weight to this.
> I propose that the SKOS Reference (and accompanying schema) includes the 
> assertion that the SKOS lexical labelling properties are subproperties 
> of rdfs:label. This violates OWL-DL constraints, but this is already the 
> case for the SKOS RDF schema.
> This requires a change to the SKOS Reference as recently reviewed. I 
> would like to ask the document reviewers to explicitly state whether 
> they grant their consent to this change, and invite other WG 
> participants to comment.


Thanks for spotting this. I hereby agree; I was under the assumption 
that the subproperty relation already existed in the RDF Schema and am 
very happy that this will now be corrected.


>     Sean
> [1]
> -- 
> Sean Bechhofer
> School of Computer Science
> University of Manchester

Received on Friday, 22 August 2008 11:26:51 UTC