meeting record: 2006-05-22 SWD telecon

The [1] record of this week's SemWeb Deployment WG telecon is ready for 
A text copy follows below.


1. Admin

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: Alistair to propose minimal fix for resolution of
    issue 33 [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: chairs to open issue 31 [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: open issue 31 in tracker for discussion next week
    [recorded in


    [PENDING] ACTION: Alistair will look at raising the examples from
    the issues to test cases [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: Elisa to provide outline of work to be done by Apr
    17 [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: Guus revise his ISSUE-26 proposal to account for
    other options [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: Jon and Alistair: Move SKOS issues over from
    Sandbox to Tracker on an ongoing basis [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: Ralph propose resolution to Recipe issue 1.3
    [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: Sean to look at the test environment supporting
    the SKOS semantics [recorded in


    [DONE] ACTION: Daniel to send messages to thesaurus list, Semantic
    Web Interest, ... requesting feedback on the new SKOS use cases
    document [recorded in
    [DONE] ACTION: TomB to start questionnaire on date for f2f --
    options are weeks of Nov 4 and Nov 11 [recorded in


The next telecon is scheduled for Tuesday, 29th May 2007.





                                 SWD WG

22 May 2007



    See also: [3]IRC log



           Bern, berrueta, aliman, TomB, Vit, antoine, Daniel,

           Sean, Ralph, Jon, Michael




      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]admin
          2. [6]SKOS
      * [7]Summary of Action Items


    TomB: propose we accept minutes of 15th May telecon
    ... been through minutes and look OK to me

    Resolved: accept minutes of 15th May meeting

    <TomB> [8]


    <scribe> ACTION: TomB to start questionnaire on date for f2f --
    options are weeks of Nov 4 and Nov 11 [DONE] [recorded in



    <TomB> ACTION: Daniel to send messages to thesaurus list, Semantic
    Web Interest, ... requesting feedback on the new SKOS use cases
    document [recorded in
    [10]] [DONE]


    <TomB> ACTION: Jon and Alistair: Move SKOS issues over from Sandbox
    to Tracker on an ongoing basis [recorded in


    <TomB> ACTION: Sean to look at the test environment supporting the
    SKOS semantics [recorded in


    <TomB> ACTION: Alistair will look at raising the examples from the
    issues to test cases [recorded in


    <TomB> ACTION: Guus revise his ISSUE-26 proposal to account for
    other options [recorded in


    TomB: was talking with Guus just before the meeting and expects to
    see output from Guus in next few days wrt ISSUE-26 proposal

    <TomB> [15]


    TomB: Alistair suggests we open basic lexical label sematics at same
    time as issue 26

    <scribe> ACTION: chairs to open issue 31 [recorded in


    Alistair: doesn't this issue need an owner?
    ... meant to have its status as open, so that it's on the agenda

    TomB: asks for volunteer to have owner of the issue?

    Alistair: I'm willing if no one is desperately keen

    TomB: are there any other steps that need to be taken?

    Alistair: change the status in the tracker
    ... I'll do that

    <scribe> ACTION: open issue 31 in tracker for discussion next week
    [recorded in


    TomB: issue 33--grouping constructs

    <aliman> --done

    TomB: we had discussion last week, but now a 3rd proposal from
    ... goal of discussion today is to see if we have a rough concensus
    so that we can move towards having a proposal
    ... to vote on in next week's call. Guus felt that we should try to
    move this forward
    ... to some sort of resolution.
    ... calls on Antoine to put forward proposal 3.

    Antoine: my proposal was based on the diagnosis that the issue comes
    ... the fact that two axioms are contradictory
    ... I suggested to release the axioms that define the domain and
    range of the relationships
    ... and to introduce a new class that would be a superclass of
    concept and collection

    Bernard: familiar object-oriented pattern from gang of four. (e.g.
    common pattern in widgetry) called composite pattern ... sub-class
    which is also a component and a collection of components ...



    Alistair: number of issues with this proposal wrt semantic
    ... in the current guide there's a rule called "collectable
    properties" which was supposed to
    ... enable your to infer the direct semantic relationships
    ... other issues are that if you are doing query expansion, when you
    ... a collection that has a node in the expansion graph, so you can
    artificially include

    <TomB> [collectable properties


    Alistair: extra distance between the concepts
    ... also you couldn't write an application that has no knowledge of
    ... every application would have to have knowledge of collections
    ... different to minimal fixed proposal, which means you don't need
    any inference rule
    ... and doesn't need any knowledge of collections

    Bernard: what's significance of not knowing about collections?

    Alistair: really simple query expansion doesn't need any collection
    stuff but guaranteed to work
    ... with SKOS data
    ... For example, if you take a look at the NSDL metadata repository,
    there is no
    ... collection stuff, but it is nevertheless a very useful platform.
    If we went for
    ... Antoine's proposal then an application like that would have to
    implement the collection
    ... stuff--it wouldn't work without it.

    TomB: in W3C practice the proposal that has the least impact on an
    existing spec is the one that gets favoured
    ... In last week's discussion it seemed to me that we were leaning
    towards the
    ... minimal fixed proposal. Does anyone want to add to that?

    Alistair: I agree with what Guus said. I like the minimal fixed
    proposal because it does
    ... the smallest fix and takes an incremental approach. We can take
    the approach
    ... and then explore issues with it. If there's a problem with it,
    then we can take a look
    ... at other proposals (such as the relaxing domain/range or the

    <TomB> +1 Alistair and Guus favoring Minimal Fix

    Antoine: my worry is that in most of the situations where we have
    seen collections
    ... the collections are included in the hierarchy.

    Alistair: there's a difference between a conceptual hierarchy and a
    systematic display
    ... the latter is a visual arrangement of terms, not really part of
    what standards people ... would call a conceptual hierarchy.
    ... node labels are introduced as a display convenience.
    ... In the minimal fixed proposal, let's say you're generating a
    systematic display
    ... such as kinds of milk. In a minimal fix, you declare a concept
    of milk, then goat's
    ... milk, cow's milk and express narrower terms between them. Then
    itroducce a collection
    ... say "milk by source animal". An application that gets that data
    can ignore the
    ... collection data and just display the relationships between kinds
    of milk.
    ... whereas an application that understands collections can ask if
    (say) cow's milk
    ... a member of any collections?
    ... and then recurse upwards, to see if the "milk by source animal"
    collection is also in a collection?

    Daniel: I'm confused by what's asserted by collection membership and
    the siblings of a taxonomy

    Alistair: collections are not just siblings. You could have "milk by
    source animal", and "milk by fat content"
    ... if you're actually thinking about classes, then "milk by source
    animal" is not really a class.
    ... in the thesaurus community, "milk by source animal" is not a
    concept, it's a node label

    Daniel: but the ontology community wouldn't use this approach.

    Alistair: the dependency of how we model this and how we migrate
    from thesaurus to ontologies
    ... the primary concern for SKOS is to make sure that it is
    sufficient to represent thesauri and classification schemes
    ... so that existing thesauri and classification schemes can
    continue to have the features
    ... they're used to.

    Daniel: we also have to do the same from an ontology-oriented

    Alistair: I am aware of Antoine's point about the difficulty of
    implementing the algorithm
    ... I explain the algorithm to follow the narrower links, then
    recursive collection-membership relationships
    ... there's another standardisation group (in the UK) that's trying
    to write down a data model (in UML) for thesauri
    ... this group is having a big discussion about you handle
    collections (aka Arrays)

    Daniel: anticipate resolution from this group?

    Alistair: they're influenced by how SKOS does it.
    ... they're not hardcore data modellers.
    ... we'd have to present it in UML for them to understand.

    Daniel: that might be useful for us to present it anyhow.

    Alistair: because the UK group is doing it as a closed group it's
    not that public

    Daniel: so it presents some interesting questions about how to map
    from SKOS to their data model

    Alistair: I made a suggestion. Here's the link

    <aliman> [20]
    -> Initial suggestion of data model for thesauri for BS8723


    Alistair: the idea that I had was that we go with the minimal fixed
    proposal for now
    ... which forces me to expand on the algorithm

    <TomB> +1 to go with Minimal Fix

    Alistair: and if it's too complicated then we can change our minds.
    It's not the final word.

    TomB: does anyone disagree with minimal fix?

    Daniel: concern that we also need to address from ontology world

    Alistair: need use cases to understand this better

    TomB: sounds like we're moving to minimal fix with reservation that
    we need to understand
    ... how ontologies map to thesauri.
    ... so could we put minimal fix on agenda for next week.

    Alistair: yes, then we could resolve or not next week

    <scribe> ACTION: Alistair to propose minimal fix for resolution of
    issue 33 [recorded in


    TomB: to be talked about next week
    ... propose SKOS issue resolution process to next week

    <TomB> [22]


    TomB: also want to make sure that the document on the issues process
    actually corrresponds to the way we are doing things
    ... find it slightly confusing about how to see issues that are

    <Antoine> ... beware of not losing it!

    <scribe> ACTION: Ralph propose resolution to Recipe issue 1.3
    [recorded in


    <scribe> ACTION: Elisa to provide outline of work to be done by Apr
    17 [recorded in


    Meeting adjourned

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: Alistair to propose minimal fix for resolution of
    issue 33 [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: chairs to open issue 31 [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: open issue 31 in tracker for discussion next week
    [recorded in


    [PENDING] ACTION: Alistair will look at raising the examples from
    the issues to test cases [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: Elisa to provide outline of work to be done by Apr
    17 [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: Guus revise his ISSUE-26 proposal to account for
    other options [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: Jon and Alistair: Move SKOS issues over from
    Sandbox to Tracker on an ongoing basis [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: Ralph propose resolution to Recipe issue 1.3
    [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: Sean to look at the test environment supporting
    the SKOS semantics [recorded in


    [DONE] ACTION: Daniel to send messages to thesaurus list, Semantic
    Web Interest, ... requesting feedback on the new SKOS use cases
    document [recorded in
    [DONE] ACTION: TomB to start questionnaire on date for f2f --
    options are weeks of Nov 4 and Nov 11 [recorded in


    [End of minutes]

Received on Thursday, 24 May 2007 08:18:15 UTC