[SKOS] UCR firefox hang

Hi Ralph,

When I go to [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/skos-ucr/ firefox hangs (firefox on Windows XP).

I narrowed the problem down to the use of a specific UTF-8 character (I think it's a short dash character). The presence of this characters in an HTML document causes firefox to hang on my system. I've attached an XHTML file containing one of these characters as the content of the <body> element. I've also attached a UTF-8 text file which should contain the offending character.

This character is found at the following locations in [1]:

line 1036 char 48
line 1037 char 36
line 1038 char 32
line 1039 char 32
line 1040 char 35

I suggest replacing these by normal dash characters as used throughout the rest of the document.



Alistair Miles
Research Associate
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
Oxfordshire OX11 0QX
United Kingdom
Web: http://purl.org/net/aliman
Email: a.j.miles@rl.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1235 445440 

Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2007 16:47:00 UTC