With a SW Interest Group chair's hat on .... "help!"
This perma-thread (the question of URIs for people, HTTP content
negotiation, meaning of #blah IDs etc) has been rumbling along for
years. It is getting really embarrassing that this stuff keeps coming
up. Can we do something here? A Faq or TAG finding or wiki page or ...
... something, anything, to help the mailing lists move along to more
fruitful topics of discussion?
Apologies for the x-post, this problem is split a little across groups.
Forwarded message 1
Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
> This is the web architecture. The client strips off the '#me' and
> acceses the dcoument
> <http://www.example.com/mophor> (if it hasn't already for some other id
> in the same document).
> The server sends back a document telling it about
> <http://www.example.com/mophor#me> and maybe other things.
When a client is looking at what it received from
http://www.example.com/mophor it doesn't know that's the only possible
view upon http://www.example.com/mophor (indeed it might know the
opposite if there is a Vary header)
When the client is interpretting #me in a way that is based on the
content-type of what it received from http://www.example.com/mophor it
is more tightly concerned with a particular document.
Since the mechanism for a fragment identifier is based on the document
type, which seems if anything even more tied to documents than