Re: [RDFa] Re: Commenst on use cases #2 - #7 [Re: an update of the use case document]

Great. Don't forget to add a reference to GRDDL


Ben Adida wrote:
> Ivan,
> I've applied changes according to your comments below, and the result is
> now live at:
> (soon to be snapshot for the WG.)
> Ivan Herman wrote:
>>Use case #2
>>Last paragraph: "the structured data contains the complete iCal and
>>Dublin Core metadata" (the DC is missing). As the issue is the easy mix
>>of vocabularies, this is good to be emphasized
> I wanted to emphasize iCal separately, but I've added something to point
> out DC, too.
>>Use case #3
>>I am not sure which feature this use cases puts forward, to be honest.
>>Also: the reference to XHTML2 seems to be besides to point for the use
>>case, and would just add mud to the water:-) (In my view at least.)
> I took out the reference to XHTML2, as I agree that it's not the main
> point here. However, I'd like to keep this use case as it's an important
> one for the publishing community (Bob DuCharme and, previously, IPTC.)
>>Use case #4
>>Last sentence: do we want that? We have *not* added such specific,
>>technical requirements in the previous use cases. I wonder whether we
>>should do it here...
> Yes, I think we do want it. It's important to point out that RDFa should
> play nicely with existing HTML.
>>Use case #6
>>I think the reference is wrong and the text should refer to Use Case #5
>>(furnishing information...).
> Indeed! Fixed.
>>Use case #7
>>We should somehow emphasize that Patrick uses, for his annotation, large
>>ontologies that the medical domain has developed over the years (maybe
>>we could even pick two of those)
> I've added wording to this effect and a reference to UNIPROT. I'm also
> waiting for some feedback from Science Commons to beef up this use case.
> -Ben


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Tuesday, 30 January 2007 17:21:53 UTC