SKOS Use Case: Linking abstract concept to real thing

Hi all!

In a break in the F2F, I forwarded the following use case.

On the Opera Community, we have found that it is not uncommon that people tag 
photos or blog posts with the name, or even the community username of the 
person that is depicted or mentioned, like I did here:

My plan is to use SKOS for all tags, so that each user will have a URI with 
their tags that when dereferenced gives RDF for the tags. 

In the case where a tag is used in the sense above, i.e. when it is used to 
say that "this picture depicts William", it would be nice to link the 
abstract concept William to the foaf:Person William.

I know that this issue has been on the agenda earlier, since it is dealt with

The use case would be satisfied by a link from the #henry8 node in the first 
graph to the "largest" blank node in the second graph, and the inverse for 

To me, this is a very important use case. Our users do use any broader or 
narrow structure or similar, it is otherwise a really simple matter, but if I 
allow them to map these concepts to real things, they can nevertheless get a 
lot more semantics understandable beyond the immediate social network by 
using their tags. 



Received on Friday, 26 January 2007 23:29:29 UTC