[SKOS] Use case and requirements TODO for F2F meeting

Hello all

Trying to gather what was mentioned in recent discussion by Alistair, 
Jon, Daniel and me, here is what I propose to the working group 
regarding SKOS use cases and requirements.

Basically, all you are *really required* to do is to read the UCR first 
editor's draft, accessible via the wiki [1] (notice: the table of 
content reads better if you save the file locally and open it from 
there, but then the general style changes a bit; I'm sorry that I could 
not solve this problem quickly)

To prepare for coming discussion during F2F meeting, here is below what 
you should think of when reading this document.
"Required" means you are really expected to do the stuff. This is mostly 
about assessing the quality of existing material, requiring therefore 
mostly reading and annotation.
"Optional" means that you *should* have thought about an item, but you 
may not have done (or completed) what was mentioned there (well, we all 
don't have unlimited amounts of time). The optional items are preparing 
for brainstorm during the F2F meeting. The productivity of our 
discussion will therefore depend on how many of us will have given these 
items a small chance...


1. Getting a view of use cases and assessing the relevance of 
contributions with respect to delimiting the scope of SKOS
Required work: read the part of the note gathering the summaries.

1.1 Assessing the quality of contributions and their descriptions [required]
If for a use case you miss details for understanding the application and 
or the vocabulary:
       - [Required] note it
       - [Optional] go and check on the wiki if the detailed description 
for the use case (at [2]) contains them

1.2 Assessing the representativity of contributions with respect to the 
expected scope of SKOS [Optional]
       - think of the use cases in terms of generic application patterns 
(like the ones mentioned by Alistair in [3] or [4])
       - highlight patterns you expected to find but that aren't yet 
represented by the use cases we have.
       - go and check the (raw) contributions we got so far at [5], and 
see wether one could fit your concern.

2. Preparing for a brainstorm on requirements
Required work: read the part of the note gathering the first candidate 

2.1 Determining the quality of requirement descriptions and motivations, 
to prepare for the coming requirement gathering process [Required]
For each requirement, assess relevance of requirement, assess the 
motivation of the requirement by the case
-> if for a requirement you miss motivation
     - [Required] : note it
     - [Optional]: go and check on the wiki if the detailed use case 
gives motivation

-> if a technical requirement is not clear from its motivating use cases 
in terms of what SKOS needs to provide to support it (e.g. if the use 
case does not provide the basis for some test case for the requirement)
     - [Required] : note it

Notice that document does not contain the links between the candidate 
requirements and all their motivating use cases are incomplete. Partly 
by lack of time, but also not to overload the reader for the moment.

2.2 Identify design goals and representational requirements [Optional]
Design goals are "general motivations for the language that do not 
necessarily result from any single use case for SKOS" [6]. E.g. "R8. 
Vocabulary interoperability" or "R10. Extendability of SKOS model" might 
fall in this category (OWL requirements contain a goal similar to R8)
Representational requirements are requirements about vocabulary features 
and styles we expect SKOS to be able to represent. R1 to R7, as well as 
R11 and R12, might fall in this category, but their description is not 
exhaustive for the moment.


I hope this helps to prepare for F2F,


[2] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/wiki/UCRMaterial
[3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swd-wg/2006Oct/0022.html
[4] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swd-wg/2007Jan/0046.html
[5] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/wiki/RawUCs
[6] http://www.w3.org/TR/webont-req/#section-goals

Received on Wednesday, 17 January 2007 22:36:27 UTC