- From: Hausenblas, Michael <michael.hausenblas@joanneum.at>
- Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 11:58:49 +0100
- To: <public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf@w3.org>
- Cc: "SWD WG" <public-swd-wg@w3.org>
All, Proposal: Add a mechanism to RDFa that allows to indicate a graph's provenance (aka named graphs, etc.). In the first phase we should decide IF we want this (or not :), then if/when we agree, we should discuss HOW to implement it. Rational: Due to the ongoing discussions [1] and Fabien's W3C member submission [2] is ask myself: Why don't we introduce this feature in RDFa? As we are about (or partly already did) add new stuff anyway (such as XHTML voc, CURIE, etc.), why not supporting this IMO very important feature right from the beginning? Any thoughts? Cheers, Michael [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/semantic-web/2007Dec/0035.html [2] http://www.w3.org/Submission/rdfsource/ ---------------------------------------------------------- Michael Hausenblas, MSc. Institute of Information Systems & Information Management JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH Steyrergasse 17, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA <office> phone: +43-316-876-1193 (fax:-1191) e-mail: michael.hausenblas@joanneum.at web: http://www.joanneum.at/iis/ <private> mobile: +43-660-7621761 web: http://www.sw-app.org/ ----------------------------------------------------------
Received on Wednesday, 19 December 2007 10:59:25 UTC